Futures in Farming?
As the stupid joke once went – Sikhs’ only culture is agriculture. While farming and agriculture has been the backbone of the political economy of Punjab, questions regarding current practices and sustainability have become more and more common.  Impending water crisis, increasing cancer...
A neoliberal development pathway for Punjab?
Earlier this month TLH discussed how the unseasonably dry summer in Punjab is threatening its agriculture and economy. This week, the Punjab Assembly adopted a resolution authorizing the development of additional Special Economic Zones, or SEZs, while streamlining and supporting the existence of pre-existing...
A Rotting Harvest?
In keeping with TLH’s agricultural theme, the BBC reported today on the environmental health fallout of the Green Revolution in Punjab (I). The Green Revolution introduced industrial mono-culture farming to small farms. The result was a short and sharp growth in grain production. However, over...