Cheena-Punjabi Bhai Bhai

At one time Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in Ludhiana, Punjab was THE agricultural university in Asia.  Largely due to this university’s role in promoting the Green Revolution (fellow Langa(w)r-iters have described the Green Revolution’s darker sides, another monograph is by Vandana Shiva), students from throughout East Asia came to Ludhiana to study at PAU.  In California, I have always been surprised to randomly meet some Chinese men that know Punjabi.  However, here is an impressive Malaysian-Chinese man Kian You (AKA Karam Singh) that will leave your mouth wide open.  He discusses the importance of continuing the Punjabi language and can even recite the first Pauri of Japji Sahib.  On this Friday as many of us tune in to watch the Olympics in China, take a few minutes to watch this video of an ethnically Chinese man teach us about our maboli.

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6 Responses to “Cheena-Punjabi Bhai Bhai”

  1. Singh is King says:

    And I am a punjabi trying to learn mandarin!

  2. Singh is King says:

    I a'int jokin!

  3. Singh is King says:

    And I am a punjabi trying to learn mandarin!

  4. Singh is King says:

    I a’int jokin!

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