Building Human Rights Culture

Breakthrough is an innovative, international human rights organization using the power of popular culture, media, leadership development and community education to transform public attitudes and advance equality, justice, and dignity. Through initiatives in India and the United States, Breakthrough addresses critical global issues including violence against women, sexuality and HIV/AIDS, racial justice, and immigrant rights. [link]

A friend directed me to this video which reflects the use of media to educate society about human rights issue.  The video I have included below is one of many produced by Breakthrough, an organization whose aim is to create a culture of human rights.  “Breakthrough’s multi-media campaign, “Is This Justice?” aims to bring public attention to the stigma and discrimination faced by women living with HIV/AIDS-most of whom have been infected by their husbands or male partners.”  I found this piece, titled A man looks at me but I’m the one who is being punished, to be quite powerful.  Is this justice?

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3 Responses to “Building Human Rights Culture”

  1. baingandabhartha says:

    unfortunately, women do this to each other. Of course men might egg them on in the house but I have seen many times that an opinionated and strong female who stands up for her and her daughters/inlaws rights is able to counter many of the ills of dowry, abuse, female foeticide.

  2. baingandabhartha says:

    unfortunately, women do this to each other. Of course men might egg them on in the house but I have seen many times that an opinionated and strong female who stands up for her and her daughters/inlaws rights is able to counter many of the ills of dowry, abuse, female foeticide.

  3. Every human being has this right for alive. It will be the highest forms for the new purposes. It may be conclude in the few new discussion. Then we can easy to justify on the behalf of new ways. These are the same ways for the showing up on the same ways. This is also known as the first development as well.