I am sick of these articles!
Every so often, usually an Indian (but not always – and yes I chose the term on purpose) picks some problem in the world and then asks the question “Where is X’s (insert troubled country here) KPS Gill?”
The most recent example, published in Toronto’s The Star, (I hope Sikhs in the Toronto area VOCIFEROUSLY respond to the editor’s message – mcohn@thestar.com and others write well-thought out ‘letters to the editor’ and submit to lettertoed@thestar.ca) suggests a “Punjab lesson” be applied to Afghanistan. A few years ago, Vinod of Sepiamutiny did the same in Iraq echoing one of his “favorite” blogs. Indian newspapers such as Express India have often printed such things as well.
The reason I am sick of these articles is because of the ‘sanitized’ and ‘white-washed’ erasure of the TRUE face of Gill’s ‘Punjab lesson’.
Cohn believes Gill’s success resulted because:
First, the separatists had descended into criminality and mindless terrorism, alienating civilians. And
second, the security forces had gone local, recruiting Sikhs from the Punjab itself to do battle against their fellow Punjabis.[link]
The Express India article wrote:
What George Bush needs to stop the carnage is a Made in India Rambo and his name is KPS Gill.
But it was ultimately ‘Superman’ KPS Gill who put the fear up the terrorists with his carrot and assassination policy that ultimately brought a quick death to the Khalistan movement.
Gill, a Sikh, first put the morale back in the police force, giving them enough power to hunt and destroy almost at will all the known terrorists, target their families to an extent.
And for those who were mere suspects he put the fear of a very difficult and perhaps agony-filled near future to prevent them from any rash action. And, he used torture liberally to wrench out names of those involved.[Emphasis added][link]
However, despite this sanitized discussion. Gill is a sickening, masochistic, megalomaniac. He has been implicated in the mass murder of thousands and maintenance of the culture of impunity and even torturing and murdering those same human rights fighters that attempted to expose his heinous crimes.
These artistic renditions and this video, exemplifying his denial in light of all evidence, are the true faces of KPS Gill. This is the true “Punjab lesson” – torture, brutality, indignity, murder, and even genocide in the name of the “state” will lead to international accolades so long as the real face of the brutality is denied and it occurs in a country that has the good graces of the west due to material interests.
For more information see ENSAAF.
Here is a video of the denials of the man even when faced with the truth:
sat sri akal,
Look at his body language, the body is telling him not to say lies but his ego does it. read his eyes, listen to the depth of his voice,full of shame.
The wolves always kill the lambs in the night but the blood stains remain on their face(souls) in the day.
I have also seen videos of brar the indina army general, who led the attack on amritsar, he is telling lies after lies.
what suprises me, how can india be worlds largest democracy with so much human right abuses in the open.
thank you
Livia kaur
I wouldn't worry about the articles about Mr Gill, his own family don't talk to him, the mess in iraq and afghanistan shows how desperate they have become that they would use such references.
I wouldn’t worry about the articles about Mr Gill, his own family don’t talk to him, the mess in iraq and afghanistan shows how desperate they have become that they would use such references.
sat sri akal,
Look at his body language, the body is telling him not to say lies but his ego does it. read his eyes, listen to the depth of his voice,full of shame.
The wolves always kill the lambs in the night but the blood stains remain on their face(souls) in the day.
I have also seen videos of brar the indina army general, who led the attack on amritsar, he is telling lies after lies.
what suprises me, how can india be worlds largest democracy with so much human right abuses in the open.
thank you
Livia kaur
After reading Cohn’s article “A Punjabi lesson for Afghanistan” in the Toronto Star, I believe now that this newspaper is totally unacquainted with the Sikh GENOCIDE that took place in the 80’s and early 90’s. I consider Cohn’s suggestion of trying the same Indian strategies, the strategies that killed up to 99% innocent Sikhs and resulted in over 250,000 murders in Punjab, to combat Afghani insurgency analogous to that of reopening the World War II Nazi concentration camps. Mr. Cohn these strategies resulted in the murder of my 13 year old brother, 78 year old grandfather, and three teenage uncles. Your suggestions are monstrous and truly not Canadian. I firmly believe that no country has the right to kill thousands of people, especially innocent civilians, in such a manner. Lastly, shame on Cohn and the Toronto Starr!
Do who believe that Ajit Singh Sandhu is alive consider this K.P.S. Gill's letter to Prime Minister I.K. Gujral as a part of inhuman National Policy and Strategy being confessed openly or bogus?
Whether the publicity of the story that Ajit Singh Sandhu being alive like other “cats” is to terrorize Sikhs forever?
Who are parties to this inhuman ‘National Policy and Strategy’ within and outside?
Who will answer, inquire and punish for the people shown ‘Killed’ in place of these “cats” and the persons claimed to be alive?
Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana
Chief and Spokesperson
Sikh Vichar Manch
September 20, 2007
Text of K.P.S. Gill's letter to Prime Minister I.K. Gujral on the death of Ajit Singh Sandhu
Points at glance:
A Constitutional Commission should be set up!!!
1. I am writing to you on my return to Delhi from the funeral of SSP A.S. Sandhu.
2. The real question is whether a strategy of State Terrorism was adopted by the police; and the answer is unequivocally in the negative.
3. The police strategy (inhuman 'National Policy and Strategy') against terrorists gave the latter four options. The first three were conventional measures of response: the possibilities of arrest* (meaning: take into custody, capture, detain, catch, take in for questioning, pick up etc), flight** (meaning: trip, journey, voyage, passage, crossing, go in a boat, travel by water, air travel, put out to sea etc to abroad), or armed*** (Meaning: fortified, carrying weapon, equipped, prepared etc) engagement. The fourth option was offered in the later phases of the campaign. The terrorists were told that, if they chose surrender**** (meaning: lay down your arms, admit defeat, submit, yield, give in, give up etc), they would be welcomed and embraced with warmth. At first all surrenders took place in my presence and in some cases in the presence of the then Chief Minister. But after a while the deluge became difficult to handle, and SSPs were authorised to accept surrenders. The largest number of surrenders were before SSP A.S. Sandhu. And yet, he was a "blood thirsty man"!
CATEGORIES of terrorists AND THE officers in all branches of Government and Administration involved in the inhuman ‘National Policy and Strategy’ MUST BE IDENTIFIED BY A CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION FOR FACING JUSTICE
*Arrest meaning: take into custody, capture, detain, catch, take in for questioning, pick up etc
**Flight meaning: trip, journey, voyage, passage, crossing, go in a boat, travel by water, air travel, put out to sea etc to abroad
***Armed Meaning: fortified, carrying weapon, equipped, prepared
****Surrender meaning: lay down your arms, admit defeat, submit, yield, give in, give up etc
The Sikhs and others who were picked up spontaneously, unplanned manner surprisingly and later on killed, eliminated, liquidated, shown disappeared etc all including the given categories (the Punjab police not only used “cats but also rats, bats, camels and the ilk…..”) according to police are required to be identified by a 'Constitutional Commission' for facing justice and similar is the demand of former DGP K.P.S. GILL who clearly says that no government shall agree and allow to come out truth about the strategy of State Terrorism.
30th May, 1997
New Delhi
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Government of India,
South Block,
New Delhi
Dear Prime Minister,
1.1 I am writing to you on my return to Delhi from the funeral of SSP A.S. Sandhu. I have maintained a silence on events in Punjab for over two years in the hope that the leadership of the nation will do justice, now that peace has returned to the state, to those brave men and women who made this peace possible.
1.2 Recent events, however, force me to speak out now; a continued silence on my part would be a betrayal of trust, an abdication of responsibility. I cannot remain silent when the memory of the men who sacrificed their lives under my command is denigrated; and when those who have survived the greatest of dangers and made immeasurable sacrifices in campaigns during a virulent proxy war are subjected to an unprecedented and unprincipled inquisition.
1.3 Men in the uniformed services are bound by a rigid discipline that imposes a code of silence on them, even when they are subjected to the greatest injustices. It is a measure of their commitment that, despite the deepest despair among the rank and file of the Punjab police, brought into dramatic focus by A.S. Sandhu’s suicide, no voice has been raised in protest.
1.4 I owe these men a debt of gratitude, as I believe this entire nation does. I therefore wish to draw your attention, and through you, the attention of the Minister for Home Affairs, the Indian Legislature and Judiciary, to urgent and distressing realities of the Punjab situation.
2.1 You have most perceptively observed, on your recent visit to the state, that the battle in Punjab was the nation’s battle, and that, consequently, the entire nation must share its costs. But what about those who were at the vanguard of this battle? Having served the national cause, are they now simply to be forgotten? Or worse, to be persecuted with impunity?
2.2 You are known to appreciate the finer nuances of Urdu poetry. Ram Prasad ‘Bismil’s’ lines can perhaps best express the sentiments of the ordinary policeman of Punjab today:
Ham bhi bach sakte the ghar pe reh kar,
Ham ko bhi maan baap ne paala tha dukh seh seh kar.
2.3 For over a decade, to wear a police uniform in the Punjab was to proclaim yourself a willful target for preferential terrorist attack. Yet thousands of men in uniform stood as a bulwark of democracy against the unconstrained depredations of the extremists. Thousands sacrificed their lives. Thousands of others witnessed the murder of their parents, their brothers and sisters, their wives and their children.
2.4 At this time, the actions – or the failure to act – of every other branch of Government demonstrated their abject surrender before terrorism. But officers from these services are today enjoying the fruits of peace in Punjab.
2.5 This is an old story. Those who do nothing, those who risk nothing, not only ensure their survival; they equally ensure that they will return to positions of power and pelf, their "honour" intact. But the best of men, who put their lives on the line, having survived the guns of the terrorists, find themselves targets of a sustained and vicious campaign of calumny, of institutional hostility and State indifference.
2.6 The ultimate irony is that the instruments and institutions of democracy are, today, arrayed against the very people who made democracy possible in Punjab. For those who were comprehensively defeated in the battle for ‘Khalistan’, ‘public interest’ litigation has become the most convenient strategy for vendetta.
2.7 The ‘targets’ of this vendetta are being denied even the basic minimum of an impartial investigation and competent defence; even the uniform and equitable application of peacetime laws and processes. Simultaneously, they are subjected to a sustained process of ‘trial by the Press’ in which utter falsehoods are reported as truths without qualification, even though the matters that are written of are sub judice.
2.8 At the same time, the doctrine of equality before law is invoked to incarcerate police officers with the very terrorists they fought and protected the nation from. No thought is given and no provision made for their security. These officers are assaulted in jail, and no visible action is taken against their attackers. The State’s mechanism for investigation and litigation is disproportionately focused against the police even as many of the terrorist leaders who inspired and participated in some of the most heinous crimes walk free.
2.9 It appears almost as if the State is discriminating between terrorists and policemen in favour of the former.
3.1 The question repeatedly asked in this context is, ‘Were they any police excesses?’ Only a liar or a fool would deny that random excesses occurred in a campaign of the magnitude and duration of the struggle in Punjab. Wherever such excesses were detected, action was inevitably taken. The real question is whether a strategy of State Terrorism was adopted by the police; and the answer is unequivocally in the negative.
3.2 The evidence is visible everywhere in the Punjab. The victory over terrorism was not merely a military victory, it was a moral victory. Nowhere in the world has State Terrorism, irrespective of how many people it killed or tortured, ever been able to extinguish an ideology as completely as the idea of Khalistan has been extinguished in Punjab. An idea can never be destroyed by violence. Blood fuels revolution. Each police excess creates new enemies for the force and for the State it represents. Police excesses of the magnitude being alleged would have created an ever-widening base of support for terrorism. Instead, it was the support of the people in Punjab that made the decisive win over the militants a possibility. Sickened by the extremists’ acts of senseless violence, it was the people who opened the floodgates of information to the police. The victory over the venomous advocates of Khalistan was a people’s victory. That is why there is such a mood of celebration and freedom in Punjab today. Were this not so, terrorism would still be an overwhelming reality in the state.
3.3 The police strategy against terrorists gave the latter four options. The first three were conventional measures of response: the possibilities of arrest, flight, or armed engagement. The fourth option was offered in the later phases of the campaign. The terrorists were told that, if they chose surrender, they would be welcomed and embraced with warmth. At first all surrenders took place in my presence and in some cases in the presence of the then Chief Minister. But after a while the deluge became difficult to handle, and SSPs were authorised to accept surrenders. The largest number of surrenders were before SSP A.S. Sandhu. And yet, he was a "blood thirsty man"!
3.4 It must, nonetheless, be recognised that the situation that prevailed in Punjab for over a decade was a state of war – a proxy war, perhaps; "low intensity conflict" as others prefer to term it – but war, nonetheless. The Punjab Police and various central forces were engaged, not in simple law enforcement activities, but a battle to retain control over large areas of the sovereign territory of the Indian Union, against an utterly unscrupulous and heavily armed enemy who recognised no constraints.
4.1 It is for your government and for the nation’s Parliament to debate on, and define, the appropriate criteria to judge the actions of those who fought this war on behalf of the Indian State and people. What you decide will have far-reaching consequences for other theatres of current conflict. A great urgency must attach to these initiatives, if future tragedies are to be averted. A delay in addressing these issues will affect the destiny of India far more than any other single decision your government may currently be contemplating.
4.2 Low intensity wars are presently being fought by our forces in Kashmir, in Assam, in Manipur in Nagaland, and in Tripura. India, in fact, is being subjected to a systematic and sustained strategy of destabilisation from within and without, a strategy that preys on every incidence of local disaffection; it is imperative that we should define a systematic and proactive strategic response to this challenge.
4.3 The low intensity war that took place in Punjab, and those occurring in other areas of the country today reflect a pattern that can only be expected to grow in the future. Unfortunately, these are still dismissed by the national leadership as ‘non-military threats’ and an ill equipped Home Ministry is required to deal with them. The result is that the Army is repeatedly called out in these conflicts to ‘aid civil authority’. The fact is that neither the police nor the army, by virtue of their basic orientation and training, are properly equipped to handle these crises.
5.1 There is another vital issue that I would like to raise here. In a democracy, the conduct of every arm of government, every wing of the State, must be subject to review. And yet, the conduct of the judiciary throughout the years of terror in Punjab has completely escaped examination.
5.2 What is to be said of judges who failed to consider overwhelming evidence of the most heinous crimes? Who failed to administer justice according to the laws of the land for over a decade in terrorist related cases? Even in a case as fully documented as Operation Black Thunder, where the entire action was carried out in full view of the media, not a single conviction was pronounced.
6. I urge upon your government to take up these issues urgently and seriously and to take necessary steps, in combination and co-ordination with all other arms of India’s democratic polity, to ensure necessary action on the following:
6.1.1 In view of the future threat potential of low intensity wars, it is crucial that a radical reformation of internal security forces be initiated, creating the skills, knowledge, attitudes and infrastructure necessary to confront this danger, and possibly raising entirely new forces to grapple with this specific hazard.
6.1.2 The parameters within which each agency of government must respond to such challenges should also be debated in detail by your government and by the legislature. The powers, the range of extraordinary actions permitted in these situations, and the applicable legal criteria and context of evaluation of these actions – whether these are the same as those applicable in peacetime or are to be akin to articles of war, or are to be redefined in terms of the new category of "low intensity wars" – should be clearly determined and suitably legislated.
6.1.3 Until the necessary criteria are sufficiently debated, defined and legislated, immediate steps should be taken to ensure that the pattern of humiliation through litigation and trial by the media is prevented forthwith. This trend of ‘punishment before trial’ must cease immediately.
6.1.4 Police personnel who may be facing charges should be assured a fair investigation and a fair trial. To this end, the State must create a fund to ensure that the best legal assistance, advice and representation are made available to them.
6.1.5 Police personnel under investigation or trial should be incarcerated only if there are sufficient grounds to believe they are attempting to coerce witnesses, destroy evidence, or in any other way to distort the processes of justice. In every such case due care must be taken to ensure their safety in jail so that the unforgivable incidents of the past are not repeated.
6.2 Lest any of this be misinterpreted or misrepresented as a plea for ‘immunity’, let me state explicitly that I am not asking for immunity, either for any member of the Punjab Police, or for myself. But let the investigations and trials be according to the laws of the land, and let the special circumstances that prevailed in Punjab be taken into consideration by the statutes applied. Investigations and trials should not proceed according to the processes that are being improvised from day to day to implicate the police in Punjab.
6.3 A Constitutional Commission should be set up to examine the records of judicial processes and judgments during the years of terrorism in Punjab; to identify the judicial officers who failed to discharge their Constitutional obligations, and to honour their oath to dispense justice without fear or favour; to determine their accountability; and to take suitable action to ensure that the judicial and criminal justice system does not collapse or fail ever again in the face of lawlessness.
6.4 As a corollary to the preceding point, a Commission also needs to be appointed to identify officers in all branches of Government and Administration who were guilty of willful and gross dereliction of duty during this period, in order to ensure a system in which acts of cravenness are punished rather than, as is the present case, rewarded.
These steps demand the active involvement and participation of the judicial and legislative wings of the State. I am, therefore, taking the liberty of sending copies of this letter to the Chief Justice of India, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
K P S Gill
(Personal Correspondence)
Do who believe that Ajit Singh Sandhu is alive consider this K.P.S. Gill’s letter to Prime Minister I.K. Gujral as a part of inhuman National Policy and Strategy being confessed openly or bogus?
Whether the publicity of the story that Ajit Singh Sandhu being alive like other “cats” is to terrorize Sikhs forever?
Who are parties to this inhuman ‘National Policy and Strategy’ within and outside?
Who will answer, inquire and punish for the people shown ‘Killed’ in place of these “cats” and the persons claimed to be alive?
Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana
Chief and Spokesperson
Sikh Vichar Manch
September 20, 2007
Text of K.P.S. Gill’s letter to Prime Minister I.K. Gujral on the death of Ajit Singh Sandhu
Points at glance:
A Constitutional Commission should be set up!!!
1. I am writing to you on my return to Delhi from the funeral of SSP A.S. Sandhu.
2. The real question is whether a strategy of State Terrorism was adopted by the police; and the answer is unequivocally in the negative.
3. The police strategy (inhuman ‘National Policy and Strategy’) against terrorists gave the latter four options. The first three were conventional measures of response: the possibilities of arrest* (meaning: take into custody, capture, detain, catch, take in for questioning, pick up etc), flight** (meaning: trip, journey, voyage, passage, crossing, go in a boat, travel by water, air travel, put out to sea etc to abroad), or armed*** (Meaning: fortified, carrying weapon, equipped, prepared etc) engagement. The fourth option was offered in the later phases of the campaign. The terrorists were told that, if they chose surrender**** (meaning: lay down your arms, admit defeat, submit, yield, give in, give up etc), they would be welcomed and embraced with warmth. At first all surrenders took place in my presence and in some cases in the presence of the then Chief Minister. But after a while the deluge became difficult to handle, and SSPs were authorised to accept surrenders. The largest number of surrenders were before SSP A.S. Sandhu. And yet, he was a “blood thirsty man”!
CATEGORIES of terrorists AND THE officers in all branches of Government and Administration involved in the inhuman ‘National Policy and Strategy’ MUST BE IDENTIFIED BY A CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION FOR FACING JUSTICE
*Arrest meaning: take into custody, capture, detain, catch, take in for questioning, pick up etc
**Flight meaning: trip, journey, voyage, passage, crossing, go in a boat, travel by water, air travel, put out to sea etc to abroad
***Armed Meaning: fortified, carrying weapon, equipped, prepared
****Surrender meaning: lay down your arms, admit defeat, submit, yield, give in, give up etc
The Sikhs and others who were picked up spontaneously, unplanned manner surprisingly and later on killed, eliminated, liquidated, shown disappeared etc all including the given categories (the Punjab police not only used “cats but also rats, bats, camels and the ilk…..”) according to police are required to be identified by a ‘Constitutional Commission’ for facing justice and similar is the demand of former DGP K.P.S. GILL who clearly says that no government shall agree and allow to come out truth about the strategy of State Terrorism.
30th May, 1997
New Delhi
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Government of India,
South Block,
New Delhi
Dear Prime Minister,
1.1 I am writing to you on my return to Delhi from the funeral of SSP A.S. Sandhu. I have maintained a silence on events in Punjab for over two years in the hope that the leadership of the nation will do justice, now that peace has returned to the state, to those brave men and women who made this peace possible.
1.2 Recent events, however, force me to speak out now; a continued silence on my part would be a betrayal of trust, an abdication of responsibility. I cannot remain silent when the memory of the men who sacrificed their lives under my command is denigrated; and when those who have survived the greatest of dangers and made immeasurable sacrifices in campaigns during a virulent proxy war are subjected to an unprecedented and unprincipled inquisition.
1.3 Men in the uniformed services are bound by a rigid discipline that imposes a code of silence on them, even when they are subjected to the greatest injustices. It is a measure of their commitment that, despite the deepest despair among the rank and file of the Punjab police, brought into dramatic focus by A.S. Sandhu’s suicide, no voice has been raised in protest.
1.4 I owe these men a debt of gratitude, as I believe this entire nation does. I therefore wish to draw your attention, and through you, the attention of the Minister for Home Affairs, the Indian Legislature and Judiciary, to urgent and distressing realities of the Punjab situation.
2.1 You have most perceptively observed, on your recent visit to the state, that the battle in Punjab was the nation’s battle, and that, consequently, the entire nation must share its costs. But what about those who were at the vanguard of this battle? Having served the national cause, are they now simply to be forgotten? Or worse, to be persecuted with impunity?
2.2 You are known to appreciate the finer nuances of Urdu poetry. Ram Prasad ‘Bismil’s’ lines can perhaps best express the sentiments of the ordinary policeman of Punjab today:
Ham bhi bach sakte the ghar pe reh kar,
Ham ko bhi maan baap ne paala tha dukh seh seh kar.
2.3 For over a decade, to wear a police uniform in the Punjab was to proclaim yourself a willful target for preferential terrorist attack. Yet thousands of men in uniform stood as a bulwark of democracy against the unconstrained depredations of the extremists. Thousands sacrificed their lives. Thousands of others witnessed the murder of their parents, their brothers and sisters, their wives and their children.
2.4 At this time, the actions – or the failure to act – of every other branch of Government demonstrated their abject surrender before terrorism. But officers from these services are today enjoying the fruits of peace in Punjab.
2.5 This is an old story. Those who do nothing, those who risk nothing, not only ensure their survival; they equally ensure that they will return to positions of power and pelf, their “honour” intact. But the best of men, who put their lives on the line, having survived the guns of the terrorists, find themselves targets of a sustained and vicious campaign of calumny, of institutional hostility and State indifference.
2.6 The ultimate irony is that the instruments and institutions of democracy are, today, arrayed against the very people who made democracy possible in Punjab. For those who were comprehensively defeated in the battle for ‘Khalistan’, ‘public interest’ litigation has become the most convenient strategy for vendetta.
2.7 The ‘targets’ of this vendetta are being denied even the basic minimum of an impartial investigation and competent defence; even the uniform and equitable application of peacetime laws and processes. Simultaneously, they are subjected to a sustained process of ‘trial by the Press’ in which utter falsehoods are reported as truths without qualification, even though the matters that are written of are sub judice.
2.8 At the same time, the doctrine of equality before law is invoked to incarcerate police officers with the very terrorists they fought and protected the nation from. No thought is given and no provision made for their security. These officers are assaulted in jail, and no visible action is taken against their attackers. The State’s mechanism for investigation and litigation is disproportionately focused against the police even as many of the terrorist leaders who inspired and participated in some of the most heinous crimes walk free.
2.9 It appears almost as if the State is discriminating between terrorists and policemen in favour of the former.
3.1 The question repeatedly asked in this context is, ‘Were they any police excesses?’ Only a liar or a fool would deny that random excesses occurred in a campaign of the magnitude and duration of the struggle in Punjab. Wherever such excesses were detected, action was inevitably taken. The real question is whether a strategy of State Terrorism was adopted by the police; and the answer is unequivocally in the negative.
3.2 The evidence is visible everywhere in the Punjab. The victory over terrorism was not merely a military victory, it was a moral victory. Nowhere in the world has State Terrorism, irrespective of how many people it killed or tortured, ever been able to extinguish an ideology as completely as the idea of Khalistan has been extinguished in Punjab. An idea can never be destroyed by violence. Blood fuels revolution. Each police excess creates new enemies for the force and for the State it represents. Police excesses of the magnitude being alleged would have created an ever-widening base of support for terrorism. Instead, it was the support of the people in Punjab that made the decisive win over the militants a possibility. Sickened by the extremists’ acts of senseless violence, it was the people who opened the floodgates of information to the police. The victory over the venomous advocates of Khalistan was a people’s victory. That is why there is such a mood of celebration and freedom in Punjab today. Were this not so, terrorism would still be an overwhelming reality in the state.
3.3 The police strategy against terrorists gave the latter four options. The first three were conventional measures of response: the possibilities of arrest, flight, or armed engagement. The fourth option was offered in the later phases of the campaign. The terrorists were told that, if they chose surrender, they would be welcomed and embraced with warmth. At first all surrenders took place in my presence and in some cases in the presence of the then Chief Minister. But after a while the deluge became difficult to handle, and SSPs were authorised to accept surrenders. The largest number of surrenders were before SSP A.S. Sandhu. And yet, he was a “blood thirsty man”!
3.4 It must, nonetheless, be recognised that the situation that prevailed in Punjab for over a decade was a state of war – a proxy war, perhaps; “low intensity conflict” as others prefer to term it – but war, nonetheless. The Punjab Police and various central forces were engaged, not in simple law enforcement activities, but a battle to retain control over large areas of the sovereign territory of the Indian Union, against an utterly unscrupulous and heavily armed enemy who recognised no constraints.
4.1 It is for your government and for the nation’s Parliament to debate on, and define, the appropriate criteria to judge the actions of those who fought this war on behalf of the Indian State and people. What you decide will have far-reaching consequences for other theatres of current conflict. A great urgency must attach to these initiatives, if future tragedies are to be averted. A delay in addressing these issues will affect the destiny of India far more than any other single decision your government may currently be contemplating.
4.2 Low intensity wars are presently being fought by our forces in Kashmir, in Assam, in Manipur in Nagaland, and in Tripura. India, in fact, is being subjected to a systematic and sustained strategy of destabilisation from within and without, a strategy that preys on every incidence of local disaffection; it is imperative that we should define a systematic and proactive strategic response to this challenge.
4.3 The low intensity war that took place in Punjab, and those occurring in other areas of the country today reflect a pattern that can only be expected to grow in the future. Unfortunately, these are still dismissed by the national leadership as ‘non-military threats’ and an ill equipped Home Ministry is required to deal with them. The result is that the Army is repeatedly called out in these conflicts to ‘aid civil authority’. The fact is that neither the police nor the army, by virtue of their basic orientation and training, are properly equipped to handle these crises.
5.1 There is another vital issue that I would like to raise here. In a democracy, the conduct of every arm of government, every wing of the State, must be subject to review. And yet, the conduct of the judiciary throughout the years of terror in Punjab has completely escaped examination.
5.2 What is to be said of judges who failed to consider overwhelming evidence of the most heinous crimes? Who failed to administer justice according to the laws of the land for over a decade in terrorist related cases? Even in a case as fully documented as Operation Black Thunder, where the entire action was carried out in full view of the media, not a single conviction was pronounced.
6. I urge upon your government to take up these issues urgently and seriously and to take necessary steps, in combination and co-ordination with all other arms of India’s democratic polity, to ensure necessary action on the following:
6.1.1 In view of the future threat potential of low intensity wars, it is crucial that a radical reformation of internal security forces be initiated, creating the skills, knowledge, attitudes and infrastructure necessary to confront this danger, and possibly raising entirely new forces to grapple with this specific hazard.
6.1.2 The parameters within which each agency of government must respond to such challenges should also be debated in detail by your government and by the legislature. The powers, the range of extraordinary actions permitted in these situations, and the applicable legal criteria and context of evaluation of these actions – whether these are the same as those applicable in peacetime or are to be akin to articles of war, or are to be redefined in terms of the new category of “low intensity wars” – should be clearly determined and suitably legislated.
6.1.3 Until the necessary criteria are sufficiently debated, defined and legislated, immediate steps should be taken to ensure that the pattern of humiliation through litigation and trial by the media is prevented forthwith. This trend of ‘punishment before trial’ must cease immediately.
6.1.4 Police personnel who may be facing charges should be assured a fair investigation and a fair trial. To this end, the State must create a fund to ensure that the best legal assistance, advice and representation are made available to them.
6.1.5 Police personnel under investigation or trial should be incarcerated only if there are sufficient grounds to believe they are attempting to coerce witnesses, destroy evidence, or in any other way to distort the processes of justice. In every such case due care must be taken to ensure their safety in jail so that the unforgivable incidents of the past are not repeated.
6.2 Lest any of this be misinterpreted or misrepresented as a plea for ‘immunity’, let me state explicitly that I am not asking for immunity, either for any member of the Punjab Police, or for myself. But let the investigations and trials be according to the laws of the land, and let the special circumstances that prevailed in Punjab be taken into consideration by the statutes applied. Investigations and trials should not proceed according to the processes that are being improvised from day to day to implicate the police in Punjab.
6.3 A Constitutional Commission should be set up to examine the records of judicial processes and judgments during the years of terrorism in Punjab; to identify the judicial officers who failed to discharge their Constitutional obligations, and to honour their oath to dispense justice without fear or favour; to determine their accountability; and to take suitable action to ensure that the judicial and criminal justice system does not collapse or fail ever again in the face of lawlessness.
6.4 As a corollary to the preceding point, a Commission also needs to be appointed to identify officers in all branches of Government and Administration who were guilty of willful and gross dereliction of duty during this period, in order to ensure a system in which acts of cravenness are punished rather than, as is the present case, rewarded.
These steps demand the active involvement and participation of the judicial and legislative wings of the State. I am, therefore, taking the liberty of sending copies of this letter to the Chief Justice of India, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
K P S Gill
(Personal Correspondence)
After reading Cohn’s article “A Punjabi lesson for Afghanistan” in the Toronto Star, I believe now that this newspaper is totally unacquainted with the Sikh GENOCIDE that took place in the 80’s and early 90’s. I consider Cohn’s suggestion of trying the same Indian strategies, the strategies that killed up to 99% innocent Sikhs and resulted in over 250,000 murders in Punjab, to combat Afghani insurgency analogous to that of reopening the World War II Nazi concentration camps. Mr. Cohn these strategies resulted in the murder of my 13 year old brother, 78 year old grandfather, and three teenage uncles. Your suggestions are monstrous and truly not Canadian. I firmly believe that no country has the right to kill thousands of people, especially innocent civilians, in such a manner. Lastly, shame on Cohn and the Toronto Starr!
Excellent post, Jodha. Those who point to KPS Gill as some sort of "Superman," imbued with the unique ability to contain these supposedly spontaneous and randomly violent contingencies are almost as frightening as those who are pointing to Modi as the future PM of India. Almost because the level of complicity and the sheer number of dead are incomparable between the two beacons of India Shining.
Excellent post, Jodha. Those who point to KPS Gill as some sort of “Superman,” imbued with the unique ability to contain these supposedly spontaneous and randomly violent contingencies are almost as frightening as those who are pointing to Modi as the future PM of India. Almost because the level of complicity and the sheer number of dead are incomparable between the two beacons of India Shining.
A fascinating note in all of these artistic descriptions of the tortures faced by Sikhs is the pulling of the hair. The attempt at iconoclasm of the Sikh male's hair is unmistakeable.
A fascinating note in all of these artistic descriptions of the tortures faced by Sikhs is the pulling of the hair. The attempt at iconoclasm of the Sikh male’s hair is unmistakeable.
Articles such as these will keep emerging until KPS GILL is executed as per Sikh Traditions.
Articles such as these will keep emerging until KPS GILL is executed as per Sikh Traditions.
Unfortunately Singh, what occurred in real life is even more disturbing. Such incidents, depicted in these artistic renditions, were all too common and corroborated by numerous victims.
The picture next to the article is too disturbing.
The picture next to the article is too disturbing.
Unfortunately Singh, what occurred in real life is even more disturbing. Such incidents, depicted in these artistic renditions, were all too common and corroborated by numerous victims.
The article by Martin Regg Cohen in "The Star" only reveals the quality of the pen and that of the editorial board of this paper. K. P. S. Gill story is one of the most notorious of the mockery of human rights and justice in a claimed democracy. Instead of being subjected to the law after eye witnesses named him as conspirator in Khalra case, he was promoted to Security Advisor and gifted with chairmanship of IHF, which he tried to run autocratically for more than a decade only to be thrown out eventually as the national game became national shame under him.
Martin Regg Cohen has brought the standard of his paper to the lowest in the eyes of readers by his words in the article and I would be writing a letter and sending the following from Union of Journalists so that he can open his eyes:
This article is but a shoddy piece of work, I will not even call it journalism.
The article by Martin Regg Cohen in “The Star” only reveals the quality of the pen and that of the editorial board of this paper. K. P. S. Gill story is one of the most notorious of the mockery of human rights and justice in a claimed democracy. Instead of being subjected to the law after eye witnesses named him as conspirator in Khalra case, he was promoted to Security Advisor and gifted with chairmanship of IHF, which he tried to run autocratically for more than a decade only to be thrown out eventually as the national game became national shame under him.
Martin Regg Cohen has brought the standard of his paper to the lowest in the eyes of readers by his words in the article and I would be writing a letter and sending the following from Union of Journalists so that he can open his eyes:
This article is but a shoddy piece of work, I will not even call it journalism.
To pur it simply….KPS Gill should be excommunicated from the Sikh fold and he should watch his back…plus he is a practicing homosexual;)
To pur it simply….KPS Gill should be excommunicated from the Sikh fold and he should watch his back…plus he is a practicing homosexual;)
[…] Still Amitabh’s new film, where he will be starring as a top lieutenant to the “Butcher of Punjab” (KPS Gill) leaves little to speculate where his loyalties lie. I care less for any “Sikh […]
Every Gill is not same to K.P.S Gill.I have many gill friends they all are very great.
every one has his own nature.i khow many gill friends &family members they are good.
Every Gill is not same to K.P.S Gill.I have many gill friends they all are very great.
every one has his own nature.i khow many gill friends &family members they are good.
Part 1 KSP
This is my subject view of KPS gill and the Hindustian goverament
KPS gill ,You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little
worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk,
a cad, and weasel. I take that back; you are a festering pustule on
an weasel's rump. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a
stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. You are a squeaking rat, a mistake of nature and a heavy-metal bagpipe player. You were not born. You were hatched into an
unwilling world that rejects the likes of you. You didn't crawl
out of a normal egg, either, but rather a mutant maggot egg
rejected by an evil scientist as being below his low standards.
Part2 KSP
You are jetsam who dreams of becoming flotsam. You won't make it. in Canada has a policeman
Your alleged parents should have abandoned you at birth and then died of
shame in recognition of what they had done to an unsuspecting
world. They were a bit late. I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same
species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformity. I barf
at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut.
Lepers avoid you. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing.
You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. You are a
technicolor yawn. And did I mention that you smell? Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a
nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be
able to access it ever so much more rapidly.
Part3 KSP
You are a thick-headed trog. I have seen skeet with more sense than you have. You are a few bricks short of a full load, a few
cards short of a full deck, a few bytes short of a core dump, and
a few chromosomes short of a full human. Woo , now I feel good.
As a canadian in the military I can tell you 80 percent of sikhs in the serving in the USA and Canada
would love to but a bullet right up your ass abd shave your hair and beard. You should go Hindu.
Take care u all , it's my opinion and if I was in India writing this article , I would be charged for disturbing the peace between Hindus and sikhs and 20 years in kail before my trial comes up.
What a joke to the justice system in India.
KPS last post
You are the unholy spawn of a bandy-legged hobo and a syphilitic
camel. You wear strangely mismatched clothing with oddly placed
stains. You are degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased
just knowing that you exist. I despise everything about you,
and I wish you would go away.
I'm done out of raw emotion ha ha ha
Part 1 KSP
This is my subject view of KPS gill and the Hindustian goverament
KPS gill ,You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little
worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk,
a cad, and weasel. I take that back; you are a festering pustule on
an weasel's rump. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a
stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. You are a squeaking rat, a mistake of nature and a heavy-metal bagpipe player. You were not born. You were hatched into an
unwilling world that rejects the likes of you. You didn't crawl
out of a normal egg, either, but rather a mutant maggot egg
rejected by an evil scientist as being below his low standards.
Part2 KSP
You are jetsam who dreams of becoming flotsam. You won't make it. in Canada has a policeman
Your alleged parents should have abandoned you at birth and then died of
shame in recognition of what they had done to an unsuspecting
world. They were a bit late. I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same
species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformity. I barf
at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut.
Lepers avoid you. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing.
You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. You are a
technicolor yawn. And did I mention that you smell? Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a
nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be
able to access it ever so much more rapidly.
Part3 KSP
You are a thick-headed trog. I have seen skeet with more sense than you have. You are a few bricks short of a full load, a few
cards short of a full deck, a few bytes short of a core dump, and
a few chromosomes short of a full human. Woo , now I feel good.
As a canadian in the military I can tell you 80 percent of sikhs in the serving in the USA and Canada
would love to but a bullet right up your ass abd shave your hair and beard. You should go Hindu.
Take care u all , it's my opinion and if I was in India writing this article , I would be charged for disturbing the peace between Hindus and sikhs and 20 years in kail before my trial comes up.
What a joke to the justice system in India.
KPS last post
You are the unholy spawn of a bandy-legged hobo and a syphilitic
camel. You wear strangely mismatched clothing with oddly placed
stains. You are degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased
just knowing that you exist. I despise everything about you,
and I wish you would go away.
I'm done out of raw emotion ha ha ha
Appreciating your dedication you put into the blog and in depth info u provide. It’s great to arrive across a blog site once in a while that is not identical unwanted re-written material. Great read… I have bookmarked your site and I am including the Rss feeds into Aol address Oh yeah our thoughts go out to those close by Tokyo we hope your are healthy as well as comfortable too !… Regards Rob Rasner Magic Castle
@Indy…. Hi Indy, I’m doing a university project on polictical and religious issues within India after independence. I’m now writing on ksp gill and his counter terrorism activities, can you tell me alittle more about his family life, his marriage, children, whether they are married now and where they all live.
You mentioned that his family do not talk to him previously. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.
God bless
These images are very graphic and provactive, I don't want to lodge a complaint against you guys please remove them as they did not just happen to Sikhs they also happened to Hindus.
KPS Gill, well what can I say. Calling this man a mass murderer is an understatement. The man has an ego problem and he has a one way ticket to hell for his crimes. To Sikhs he need to be looked upon as a Hitler. He has blood on his hands and this mans soul will never rest in peace. He is the devils henchman killing innocent men, women and children.
Former Punjab DGP KPS Gill Passes Away At 82, But His Demand “A Constitutional Commission Should Be Set Up” Never Accepted:
Former Punjab DGP KPS Gill said here today that Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale had been brought in by Rajiv Gandhi to counter the Akalis: THE TRIBUNE, CHANDIGARH
“KPS Gill, former Punjab DGP, passes away at 82
Last Updated: Fri, May 26, 2017 16:34 hrs (SIFY)
New Delhi: Former Punjab DGP Kanwar Pal Singh Gill died on Friday, May 26, 2017 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi. He was 82. Reason for his death is sudden cardiac arrest due to cardiac arrhythmia. Gill served twice as DGP of Punjab and is credited with having brought the Punjab insurgency under control and retired from the IPS in 1995. He received the Padma Shri in 1989 for his work in civil service. Gill was president of the Institute for Conflict Management and he was also president of the Indian Hockey Federation”.
Sikh Need Justice: A Constitutional Commission should be set up
Sikh Need Justice: A Constitutional Commission should be set up
Text of K.P.S. Gill’s letter to Prime Minister I.K. Gujral on the death of Ajit Singh Sandhu
Points at glance:
A Constitutional Commission should be set up, remained demand of KPS Gill, former Punjab DGP
1. I am writing to you on my return to Delhi from the funeral of SSP A.S. Sandhu.
2. The real question is whether a strategy of State Terrorism was adopted by the police; and the answer is unequivocally in the negative.
3. The police strategy (inhuman ‘National Policy and Strategy’) against terrorists gave the latter four options. The first three were conventional measures of response: the possibilities of arrest* (meaning: take into custody, capture, detain, catch, take in for questioning, pick up etc), flight** (meaning: trip, journey, voyage, passage, crossing, go in a boat, travel by water, air travel, put out to sea etc to abroad), or armed*** (Meaning: fortified, carrying weapon, equipped, prepared etc) engagement. The fourth option was offered in the later phases of the campaign. The terrorists were told that, if they chose surrender**** (meaning: lay down your arms, admit defeat, submit, yield, give in, give up etc), they would be welcomed and embraced with warmth. At first all surrenders took place in my presence and in some cases in the presence of the then Chief Minister. But after a while the deluge became difficult to handle, and SSPs were authorised to accept surrenders. The largest numbers of surrenders were before SSP A.S. Sandhu. And yet, he was a “blood thirsty man”!
CATEGORIES of terrorists AND THE officers in all branches of Government and Administration involved in the inhuman ‘National Policy and Strategy’ MUST BE IDENTIFIED BY A CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION FOR FACING JUSTICE
*Arrest meaning: take into custody, capture, detain, catch, take in for questioning, pick up etc
**Flight meaning: trip, journey, voyage, passage, crossing, go in a boat, travel by water, air travel, put out to sea etc to abroad
***Armed Meaning: fortified, carrying weapon, equipped, prepared
****Surrender meaning: lay down your arms, admit defeat, submit, yield, give in, give up etc
The Sikhs and others who were picked up spontaneously, unplanned manner surprisingly and later on killed, eliminated, liquidated, shown disappeared etc all including the given categories (the Punjab police not only used “cats but also rats, bats, camels and the ilk…..”) according to police are required to be identified by a ‘Constitutional Commission’ for facing justice and similar is the demand of former DGP K.P.S. GILL who clearly says that no government shall agree and allow to come out truth about the strategy of State Terrorism.
The Use and Abuse of the �Punjab Lesson�: Sikhs and KPS Gill http://thelangarhall.com/general/the-use-and-abus… http://thelangarhall.com/general/the-use-and-abus…
Sikh Need Justice: A Constitutional Commission should be set up http://zameer36.com/sikh-need-justice-a-constitut…
Gill rules out terror revival in state: Former DGP says Rajiv brought in Bhindranwale to counter Akalis:
Posted at: Mar 3, 2017, 1:47 AM; last updated: Mar 3, 2017, 1:47 AM (IST)
Ajay Banerjee
Tribune News Service
New Delhi, March 2, 2017
Former Punjab DGP KPS Gill said here today that Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale had been brought in by Rajiv Gandhi to counter the Akalis, even as he ruled out the revival of terrorism in the state.
Gill, who served as the DGP from 1988 to 1990 and then from 1991 till his retirement in 1995, spoke to The Tribune on the eve of the release of his book, ‘Punjab: The Enemies Within’, co-authored with Sadhavi Khosla.
The Use and Abuse of the �Punjab Lesson�: Sikhs and KPS Gill http://thelangarhall.com/general/the-use-and-abus… http://thelangarhall.com/general/the-use-and-abus…
Sikh Need Justice: A Constitutional Commission should be set up http://zameer36.com/sikh-need-justice-a-constitut…
Former DGP KPS Gill and Sadhavi Khosla, co-authors of a book on Punjab, in Delhi on Thursday, March 2, 2017: Tribune Photo: Mukesh Aggarwal
The hired and planted persons-stooges to mislead the masses and the outer world to cover up the reality of the “Task of fighting for the country, with an iron hand” by KPS GILL; THE GENUINE SIKHS MUST TO REMAIN ALERT ALWAYS.
BEING done so innocently, or, intentionally and deliberately, by the hired and planted persons-stooges to mislead the masses and the outer world to cover up the reality of the “Task of fighting for the country, with an iron hand” by saying that the destiny landed him amidst troubled times and bestowed him with the task of fighting for his country, with an iron hand ignoring his demand, ‘A CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION SHOULD BE SET UP’ to bring the truth on the surface the cruel acts of the governments of India and the secret agencies of India.
To search the answer, do and must refer his letter dated 30th May, 1997, New Delhi minutely, written to then Prime Minister of India, Prime Minister I.K. Gujral on the death of Ajit Singh Sandhu.
KPS GILL categorically said in his letter, ‘The real question is whether a strategy of State Terrorism was adopted by the police; and the answer is unequivocally-unambiguously in the negative.
THE answer is very obvious –clear, understandable, noticeable, apparent, evident, observable (easy to see or understand because not concealed, difficult, or ambiguous, lacking subtlety or any attempt at concealment).
THE answer to the question for innocents and real patriots, is required detailed explanation, but answer to the hired and planted persons-stooges to mislead the masses and the outer world to cover up the reality of the “Task of fighting for the country, with an iron hand” by saying that the destiny landed him amidst troubled times and bestowed him with the task of fighting for his country, with an iron hand ignoring his demand, ‘A CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION SHOULD BE SET UP’ is already taught and known to them.
If it all KPS GILL wrote in his book contrary to his wishes and said anything to the above mentioned letter, he must have felt always surrounded by the secret Indian agencies and their henchmen with the privileged provided to him during his life and his family-SHAME ON THE PART OF SIKHS TO , here it is worth to mention, some strangers to me (Balbir Singh Sooch) unconsciously-instinctively, without thinking, involuntarily disclosed his compulsions, living style in service and after even after service along with the women of the choice of the governments of India and the secret agencies of India.
THE answers to the questions in brief is already given, but if detailed answer is not given now, then the governments of India and the secret agencies of India would always feel that, ‘ The governments of India and The secret agencies of India’ are always in position to misuse the hired and planted persons-stooges like KPS GILL to mislead the masses and the outer world to cover up the reality of the “Task of fighting for the country, with an iron hand”.
THE governments of India and the secret agencies of India, do project the Sikhs like KPS GILL in manner that only Sikhs are Brave –courageous, bold, daring, fearless not cowardly to kill their own Sikhs, without blaming, ‘The governments of India and the secret agencies of India, as is the history of Sikhs being projected and distorting-reporting about Sikhs in an inaccurate or misleading way in India.
Whoever criticized KPS KILL and or admired him are the ‘Hired and Planted Persons-Stooges to mislead the masses and the outer world to cover up the reality of the “Task of fighting for the country, with an iron hand, without accepting KPS GILL demand ‘A CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION SHOULD BE SET UP?
I salute to KPS KILL and all upright policemen-officers, comparing him with my own duty in Indian Air Force and duty of all Airmen and Fighter Pilots-Officers in Indian Air Force in uniform of INDIAN AIR FORCE-INDIA.
State Terrorism – LTTE Tigers and Khalistanis
Balbir Singh Sooch compares and contrasts the struggles of LTTE Tigers and Khalistanis, against India. http://newsblaze.com/world/south-asia/state-terro…
State Terrorism – LTTE Tigers and Khalistanis
By Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana
The similarities and differences.
By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch http://zameer36.newsvine.com/_news/2010/02/28/396… advocate-ludhiana’
1.The operative part of the poem, ‘Murder of sleeps and a wonderful act of Martyr’ is being produced in English for ready reference as under: The poem, what a wonderful example of exposure of the Indian cultural cover?
“Murder of sleeps
A wonderful act of Martyr”
Listen! Oh cruel witch! …
The Nation of the Martyr*
Slept after offering prayers at the door of Guru!
Then, a witch snake or cobra** stealthily sneaked in, thirsty to suck blood,
The hands of Beant with firmness of mind.
O woman with wicked sons, listen. You have killed the innocent children of my Qaum in their sleep.
But Jarnail who is an old guard of the Guru’s house, is riding the almighty Time and such a rider is never defeated. Listen, 0 heartless and cruel Witch!
The wrath of Beant will finish you like an insect and having demolished the gates of your kingdom, will push you in the darkness of Hell…
The woman like a female witch snake or cobra surrounded the Harmandir and Fate burnt the bread of the pious fakirs.
Then, an arrow shot by Beant came to destroy the poison of the wily witch who slept in the hearts of idol-worshippers.
The innocent babies eaten away in asleep
Listen! Oh cruel witch! …
The Foot notes to the poem:
*Martyrdom day of Guru Arjan Dev
** A witch snake or cobra, known for killing its victims in sleep by sucking in their breath in imaginary stories.
Mehboob was given the Government’s prestigious Sahitya Akademi award for 1991 for his anthology entitled ‘Jhanan Di Raat’, which contains the long poem vilifying Indira Gandhi as a “witch snake or cobra**” and hailing her assassin Beant Singh as a martyr. It also makes communal references to “idol-worshippers”.
Was it not an act of uncover and exposure of the cultural cover and should be honored by all in the interest of justice and the transparency?
What can one expect from brahmo jews they are pathetic criminal they ruined goa kashmir punjab and throwing refugees in assam even issuing prc to tribals in arunachal pradesh adivasi has lost their resources
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