Happy 2010!

Wishing all our TLH readers a happy and prosperous New Year!  May Waheguru continue to bless you with wisdom and strength in 2010.  We appreciate your support.  Without your readership TLH would have no real existence.  Thank you and always stay in Chardi Kala!

Our resolution this year is to provide thoughtful and engaging posts.

What are your new year resolutions?

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3 Responses to “Happy 2010!”

  1. Harinder says:

    happy and chadi kala 2010.

    Mission "2010" is to give " LANGAR HALL " writers and readers

    a new way to look at the world around us .

  2. Harinder says:

    happy and chadi kala 2010.

    Mission "2010" is to give " LANGAR HALL " writers and readers

    a new way to look at the world around us .

  3. Every individual loves and reverences well educated and wise persons in society. Thus, every individual should pursue knowledge to establish his status in society. He should turn himself according to the social and artistic customs of society.