Every Punjabi Girl

Ok, so on Friday, I write this sort of stupid post.  It isn’t meant to be taken too seriously so relax (I’m sure many won’t, but oh well).

Last year, my friend sent me this link from craigslist.  It was a ‘rant’ but in so many ways it is sooo true.

So here is my question, why is “Every Punjabi Girl’s” post-college apartment the same as “Every Girl‘s”?

List of necessary items:

  • Everything ever made from Ikea and Pier 1
  • Candles
  • Cats
  • Pictures on the Fridge
  • Papizan chair

Anything missing?  What does ‘every Punjabi Guy’s room look like?  Basketball posters, swords, what else?

Well have a great Friday as you eat left-over turkey (or tofurkey), watch football, or whatever else you do.  Do read the humorous ‘rant’ from a very ‘bitter boy’ if you get a chance.  Here’s a look at a different Punjabi girl in a different Punjabi world.

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5 Responses to “Every Punjabi Girl”

  1. whatsinaname says:

    hahaha… 😛

    I love that video. Even though can’t hear it 😛

    I’ve seen it before.

  2. whatsinaname says:

    hahaha… 😛

    I love that video. Even though can't hear it 😛

    I've seen it before.

  3. whatsinaname says:

    hahaha… 😛

    I love that video. Even though can’t hear it 😛

    I’ve seen it before.

  4. whatsinaname says:

    hahaha… 😛

    I love that video. Even though can’t hear it 😛

    I’ve seen it before.

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